safePICO samplers:

PICO samplers:

SAMPLERS - PICO Syringes, Plastic clinitubes, Glass clinitubes

Increase safety and reduce the risk of pre-analytical errors.

With Radiometer’s sampler line you get:

  • Samplers pre-heparinized with dry electrolyte-balanced heparin to reduce risk of clotting, electrolyte bias and dilution errors.
  • Effective and safe removal of air bubbles.
  • Fast and homogeneous sample mixing.

safePICO samplers:

  • Safety-engineered syringes for arterial blood gas.
  • safePICO is a key component of 1st Automatic.
  • Available in aspirator and self-fill models for arterial line and

arterial puncture sampling.

PICO samplers:

  • General purpose syringes for arterial blood gas.
  • Available in aspirator or self-fill models for arterial line and arterial puncture sampling
  • Self-fill models feature needles with steep-angled bevels to reduce the risk of hematomas and internal bleeding

SafeClinitube/Clinitube capillary tubes:

  • Capillary tubes for low volume blood gas sampling
  • Available in glass or 100% environmentally-friendly plastic
  • Also available coated with high-concentration sodium heparin to reduce risk of clotting in umbilical cord and fetal scalp sampling

Contact Form

Info Contact

Speciality Orthopeadic
Name Micheal Subbout
Tel +27 39944949494944
Other Other